West Haddon Photo Club (“the Club”) has the aim of stimulating and encouraging proficiency in all aspects of photography in West Haddon and the surrounding area. This includes:
photographic talks, competitions within the Club and against other clubs, informal meetings, networking, exhibitions and other displays of members’ and, through invitation, local residents’ work including on the Club’s website and social media.
The personal information referred to in this policy may include name, contact details, records of entries to events, members’ names on photographs and digital photo files, and such other information necessary for the effective management of the legitimate interests of the Club in supporting activities to benefit members and others.
Data Protection Principles
1. Be transparent about the nature of the personal data we retain and process and to allow access to this information to individuals to whom it pertains.
2. Collect and use only that personal information which is required for the effective management of the legitimate interests of the Club.
3. Retain personal data in a secure manner; endeavour to keep it up-to-date, accurate and to permanently delete it when it is no longer required.
4. Not to pass on for marketing purposes any personal data held by the Club, nor to collect personal data about users of the Club’s website.
Purposes of Data Collection & Use
The Club collects and holds personal information for the following purposes:
1. Membership.
This information is used to facilitate administration of the Club, to communicate with members and to provide and advise about products and services for members.
Names and email addresses of the committee may be published on promotional material available to the general public and their names and portraits shown on the Club’s website.
2. Members as the creators of photographs used in the activities of the Club including, but not limited to, display of photographs and the photographers’ names on the Club website and at Club exhibitions.
3. Prospective members enquiring about membership of the Club.
4. Others who support the Club in the provision of services to members at meetings or elsewhere, e.g. speakers and competition judges; or who pro-actively contact the Club with offers of products and services for members.
5. Other groups and individuals in the external community whom the Club’s members may help from time to time.
Only members of the committee have access to members’ personal data. This access will be removed when a member leaves the committee and they are required to delete any personal data they hold.
The Club may retain historical archives indefinitely. This may include remaining on the Club’s website where they may be used by Club members and the public. An archive of former members' names, excluding contact details, is maintained for Club reference purposes. Access to this archive is available only to the committee.
Members may share their personal contact details with each other and work, learn and socialise with each other in alignment with the Club’s wish to be a friendly and inclusive social group of people with an interest in photography.
You have the right to:
Apply to the Club’s Secretary to verify, correct or update the information held by the Club about you.
Ask that your personal data is erased where you believe it is no longer necessary for the Club to retain it. If you ask this and remain a member it may make normal Club communications with you harder, although you still have that right.
Lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office.
A copy of this GDPR is available to download as a pdf.
V1.0 - Issued December 2020